Richard Fielder
Individual | Household |
Title: Mr
First name: Richard
Surname: Fielder
Gender: Male
Additional Information: Written under Name of Occupier:
"I Richd Filder & Cathn his wife occupiers of a House in Tenterden living with me one son above the age of 20 years Traveling with a Horse also one grandaughter under the age of 20 yrs. Also one son a Butcher with me for about a week above the age of 20 yrs & 4 Grand Children under the age of 20 yrs Meales with me Every Day."
Image Number: 162
Household Record Name: Fielder
Number of families in the household: 1
Number of men in the household: 4
Number of women in the household: 4
Total people in the household: 8
How many families in neither: 1
Number of males upward of 20: 2
Additional Information: "1" written under "Miners, Fishermen, Boatmen, Excavators, of Canals, Roadmakers, Toll-collectors, or Labourers employed by the person of the three preceding classes, or otherwise employed in any kind of bodily labor, except Agriculture."