Joseph Haigh

1801 - Liberty of the Rolls , Middlesex

Individual Household
First name: Joseph
Surname: Haigh
Gender: Male
Additional Information: Enumerator spelling at top of page: Haighs
Image Number: 167
Household Record Name: Haigh
Number of families in the household: 1
Number of men in the household: 1
Number of women in the household: 1
Total people in the household: 2
Household Members:

Haigh, Joseph

Haigh, Elizabeth

How many individuals in neither: 2
Place or Address: Chancery Lane
Additional Information: Document No.: 2 Name of Householder column is empty, but written in the Street or Place of Residence column is the following: "Lodger-- Joseph Haigh of No. 33 in the Liberty of the Rolls an Attorney's Clerk & Elizth Frances his wife in the Habertashery line at 2o. (no servants) 9 March 1801" Before the numbers were written in, the male, female, and occupation columns had "none" written in. This was crossed out.