Wm Banks

1831 - St Peter Paul's Wharf ,

Individual Household
First name: Wm
Surname: Banks
Gender: Male
Occupation of member: Warehouseman
Image Number: 306
Household Record Name: Wrattan
Number of families in the household: 4
Number of men in the household: 8
Number of women in the household: 6
Total people in the household: 14
Number of males upward of 20: 6
Additional Information: The household name is listed as, "Mr Wm Wrattan, Mrs Wrattan, 3 Children." There are three different columns of families listed as living within the household. In the number of lodgers, inmates, servants, or other persons column it is written, "Wm Banks, John Thomson." On the next row it is written, "Edwd Burkes, Mrs Burkes, John Burkes." On the third column, it is written, "Knights, Mrs Knight, 3 Children." 2 Males and 3 Females under 20 years of age. 6 Males and 3 Females above 20 years of age. On the compiled return, image 263, the occupations of the household are listed as "2 Warehsman, 2 Porters."