M Jn King

1831 - St Peter Paul's Wharf ,

Individual Household
First name: M Jn
Surname: King
Gender: Female
Additional Information: Above 20 years of age.
Image Number: 272
Household Record Name: King
Number of families in the household: 1
Number of men in the household: 1
Number of women in the household: 7
Household Members:



King, M Jn

Number of males upward of 20: 1
Additional Information: On the individual return, image 272, the household name is listed as, "Mr & Mrs Key & 3 Children." On the compiled return, image 263, the household name is listed as "1 King" and the household is connected with the Henry Kerridge household. In the occupation column, on the compiled return, image 263, is listed as "Clerk." The 3 Children are indicated as being 3 Females under 20. In the number of lodgers, inmates, servants, or other persons column it is written "2 Servants." The 2 Servants are indicated as being 1 Female under 20 years of age and 1 Female above 20 years of age.