Eliza Wilkinson

1801 - Liberty of the Rolls , Middlesex

Individual Household
First name: Eliza
Surname: Wilkinson
Gender: Female
Additional Information: Below her name is written "Two Female Servant"
Image Number: 13
Household Record Name: Wilkinson
Number of families in the household: 3
Number of men in the household: 6
Number of women in the household: 4
Total people in the household: 10
Household Members:

Wilkinson, Eliza

How many individuals in trade: 3
How many individuals in neither: 2
Place or Address: Great Shire Lane
Additional Information: Document No.: 13 Written under Number of persons not so employed: "Two male children max aged Total 13. Written under Number of Females: {erasure mark} "Four Exclusion of her & Servats"