Richard Pepper Arden

1801 - Liberty of the Rolls , Middlesex

Individual Household
Title: Sir
First name: Richard Pepper
Surname: Arden
Gender: Male
Additional Information: "The Right Houble Sir R. P. Arden" was written by the enumerator at the top of the page
Image Number: 149
Household Record Name: Arden
Number of families in the household: 1
Number of men in the household: 9
Number of women in the household: 11
Total people in the household: 20
Household Members:

Arden, Richard Pepper

How many individuals in neither: 20
Place or Address: Chancery Lane
Additional Information: Document No.: 20 Written under Number of Males: "Nine. N.B. Two Sons are at School and are not included." Written under Number of Persons Not so Employed: "All before mentioned"