Wm Strickland

1831 - Boynton , Yorkshire

Individual Household
Title: Sir
First name: Wm
Surname: Strickland
Suffix: Bl
Gender: Male
Image Number: 1612
Household Record Name: Strickland
Number of families in the household: 1
Number of men in the household: 7
Number of women in the household: 11
Total people in the household: 18
Household Members:

Strickland, Wm

How many families in agriculture: 1
How many individuals in agriculture: 1
How many individuals in neither: 2
Number of males upward of 20: 7
Additional Information: The individual listed in agriculture above is indicated on the return as employing husbandry labourers. 4 males servants upwards of 20 years. 9 female servants.