Thos Vigne

1831 - St Mary, Walthamstow , Essex

Individual Household
First name: Thos
Surname: Vigne
Gender: Male
Page Number: 2
Image Number: 130
Household Record Name: Vigne
Number of families in the household: 1
Number of men in the household: 5
Number of women in the household: 5
Household Members:

Vigne, Thos

How many families in neither: 1
How many individuals in agriculture: 1
Number of males upward of 20: 3
Place or Address: Church Hill, District No 2
Additional Information: 1 person in agriculture listed under "Occupiers of land who constantly employ and pay one, or more than one Laborer or Farm Servant in Husbandry." 3 listed as "educated men...maintaining themselves otherwise than by manufacture, trade, or bodily Labor." 2 male servant upwards of 20 years of age 3 female servants