Individual | Household |
Surname: Crapping
Gender: Unknown
Additional Information: The name "Crapping" was not written out but only indicated by a "do".
"do Carpenter" was written in the "Names of Householders" column. It was assumed that the "do" referred to "Crapping &" instead of just "Crapping" therefore inferring two separate surnames instead of a first name and a last name. These surnames were indexed separately, by creating an additional household member.
Page Number: 14
Image Number: 42
Household Record Name: Crapping
Number of families in the household: 2
Number of men in the household: 3
Number of women in the household: 3
Total people in the household: 6
Household Members:
How many individuals in trade: 1
How many individuals in neither: 5
Place or Address: Princes Street