Parish/Town Information

Parish/Town: Horsmonden
County: Kent
Census Year: 1831
Location Type Parish
Location/Reference # of Original Document Horsmonden, Kent, 1831 Census [household returns], Kent History and Library Centre P192/18/9 Film no. 826
Location/Reference # of Additional Copies or Transcripts:
Uninhabited Houses: 0
Inhabited Houses: 0
People: 1197
Families: 0
Men: 624
Women: 573
Houses in Agriculture: 0
Houses in Trade: 0
Houses in Neither: 0
Individuals in Agriculture: 0
Individuals in Trade: 0
Individuals in Neither: 0
Houses Now Building: 0
Condition Of Document: This census lists each occupier of land with their labourers. Each labourer is listed with their civil status and the ages of their children.
Gaps In Content:
Additional Statistics:
Front Page Information:
Additional Information:
Preprinted/Freeform Freeform

Households in Parish/Town

Head of Household (Last, First)
Allard, Geo (Head)
 Sawyers, Thos
Apps, Edwd (Head)
 Apps, John
 Saunders, Wm
 Vitler, Henry
 Vitler, John
Baker, Wm Twort (Head)
 Alchird, Thos
 Ballard, Thos
 Botten, Steps
 King, Chales
Burr, John (Head)
 Addams, Jas
 Blunt, Geog
 Bones, Jos
 Bones, Wm
 Bowman, Wm
 Fishenden, Geog
 Fishenden, Geo
 Lawrance, John
 Lewrey, John
 Lewrey, John
 Perrey, John
 Potter, Jas
 Weller, Wm
Burrige, First Name Unknown (Head)
 Burton, Wm
 Dyer, Thos
 Manwaring, Richd
 Mercer, Henry
 Mercer, Henry
Elphick, Saml (Head)
 Burton, Rich
 Butchers, Jas
 Jeffery, Edwd
 Sawyer, Geog
 Wimsett, Edwd
Fishenden, Jerry (Head)
 Butcher, Thos
 Fishenden, Wm
 Lawrance, John
Fishenden, John (Head)
 Botkin, Thos
 Foreman, Richd
 King, Stepn
 Styles, Jos
 Weller, Wm
Foreman, David (Head)
 Robbard, Thos
Foreman, John (Head)
 Home, Henry
 Jarvis, John
Hadgskin, Geog (Head)
 Dyer, Thos
 Maynard, Thos
 Nye, Jas
 Sutton, Thos
 Tolhurst, Danl
 Towner, Wm
Hammon, Md (Head)
 Baker, John
 Baker, Richd
 Baker, Thos
 Bathurst, Jhon
 Bratford, Jas
 Chockling, John
 Javis, Step
 Latter, Thos
 Strawn, Henry
Hammond, Geo (Head)
 Bathurst, Wm
 Clout, Wm
 Drawbride, Thos
 Drawbridge, Jas
 Humprey, Wm
 Humprey, Benj
 Hutson, Henry
 Hutson, Jas
 Jarvis, Jery
 Jervis, Wm
 Lerry, Edwd
 Lerry, Wm
 Reed, Thos
Hartridge, Wm (Head)
 Carey, Wm
 Hugget, John
 Jeffery, Thos
 Meades, John
 Mercer, Wm
 Mercer, Thos
 Perrieman, John
Hopperton, Wm (Head)
 Banks, Jas
 Good, Iasccs
Jarvis, First Name Unknown (Head)
 Aling, Wm
 Humprey, John
 Wickham, John
Lansdell, Jas (Head)
 Baker, Wm
 Bartlett, John
 Lansdell, Wm
 Tomkin, Robt
 Tomkin, Jas
Larkin, Jas (Head)
 Bange, Wm
 Burges, Jery
 Larkin, Jas
 Vitler, David
 Wilson, Henry
Larkin, Geo (Head)
 Groombridge, Jos
 Larkin, John
 Larking, Geo
Luck, Thos (Head)
 Humprey, David
 Jinner, Wm
 Jinner, John
 Jinner, Wm
Manwaring, Thos (Head)
 Manwaring, Thos
 Mercer, John
 Neal, Jasper
 Tompsett, John
Manwaring, Henry (Head)
 Manwaring, Henry
 Manwaring, Jas
 Thompsett, Albert
Marriot, M S (Head)
 Ballard, John
 Blunt, John
 Blunt, Jas
 Gulliver, John
 Hobbs, First Name Unknown
 Shaw, Jas
Marten, Daniel (Head)
 Boles, Benj
 Boles, John
 Boles, Sep
 Boles, Richd
 Hicks, Wm
 Manckelord, John
 Usherwood, Jas
Moon, Wm (Head)
 Moon, John
 Moon, Jas
Newington, Jos (Head)
 Bathurst, John
 Brook, Stepn
 Brooks, Wm
 Brooks, Wm
 Jeffery, Edwd
 Jeffery, Sep
 Pearson, Jas
 Perriman, Edwd
 Prisman, Hery
 Robbard, Thos
 Tyman, Saml
 Warterhouse, Thos
 Warterhouse, Thos
Parton, John (Head)
 Alchin, John
 Bradford, Jas
Pullings, First Name Unknown (Head)
 Blunt, Saml
 Duke, Wm
 Fancet, Thon
 Lamkin, Wm
 Lawrance, Thos
 Manckelord, Wm
 Manckelord, First Name Unknown
 Standen, Iascca
 Towner, Thos
 Towner, First Name Unknown
 Wilson, Henry
 Wilson, First Name Unknown
Rabbitt, Wm (Head)
 Rabbett, Wm
 Weller, Thos
 Weller, John
Smith, First Name Unknown (Head)
 Austen, First Name Unknown
 Bradford, Wm
 Nabb, Geog
Tapsell, Geog (Head)
 Brooker, Wm
 Dawn, Thos
 Fishenden, Zekier
 Hodley, Wm
 Perrey, Wm
Vine, Thos (Head)
 Russell, Richd
 Vine, Thos
Wedd, Jas (Head)
 Bange, Jas
Whibley, Geo (Head)
 Dann, Jos
 Dann, Wm
Whickham, Thos (Head)
 Botting, Geo
 Clout, Wm
 Duke, John
 Duke, John
 Hodd, Arther
 Lamkin, Thos
 Luck, Thos
 Strawn, John
 Strawn, Edwd
 Vitler, Rich
 Vitler, Benj
 Warter, Jas
Williams, Jos (Head)
 Barlett, Richd
 Burr, Thos

Individuals in Parish/Town

Individual Name (Last, First)
Addams, Jas
Alchin, John
Alchird, Thos
Aling, Wm
Allard, Geo
Apps, Edwd
Apps, John
Austen, First Name Unknown
Baker, Wm Twort
Baker, John
Baker, Richd
Baker, Thos
Baker, Wm
Ballard, John
Ballard, Thos
Bange, Wm
Bange, Jas
Banks, Jas
Barlett, Richd
Bartlett, John
Bathurst, Wm
Bathurst, John
Bathurst, Jhon
Blunt, Geog
Blunt, John
Blunt, Jas
Blunt, Saml
Boles, Benj
Boles, John
Boles, Sep
Boles, Richd
Bones, Jos
Bones, Wm
Botkin, Thos
Botten, Steps
Botting, Geo
Bowman, Wm
Bradford, Wm
Bradford, Jas
Bratford, Jas
Brook, Stepn
Brooker, Wm
Brooks, Wm
Brooks, Wm
Burges, Jery
Burr, John
Burr, Thos
Burrige, First Name Unknown
Burton, Wm
Burton, Rich
Butcher, Thos
Butchers, Jas
Carey, Wm
Chockling, John
Clout, Wm
Clout, Wm
Dann, Jos
Dann, Wm
Dawn, Thos
Drawbride, Thos
Drawbridge, Jas
Duke, John
Duke, John
Duke, Wm
Dyer, Thos
Dyer, Thos
Elphick, Saml
Fancet, Thon
Fishenden, Geog
Fishenden, Geo
Fishenden, Jerry
Fishenden, Wm
Fishenden, John
Fishenden, Zekier
Foreman, David
Foreman, Richd
Foreman, John
Good, Iasccs
Groombridge, Jos
Gulliver, John
Hadgskin, Geog
Hammon, Md
Hammond, Geo
Hartridge, Wm
Hicks, Wm
Hobbs, First Name Unknown
Hodd, Arther
Hodley, Wm
Home, Henry
Hopperton, Wm
Hugget, John
Humprey, Wm
Humprey, Benj
Humprey, John
Humprey, David
Hutson, Henry
Hutson, Jas
Jarvis, Jery
Jarvis, John
Jarvis, First Name Unknown
Javis, Step
Jeffery, Edwd
Jeffery, Sep
Jeffery, Thos
Jeffery, Edwd
Jervis, Wm
Jinner, Wm
Jinner, John
Jinner, Wm
King, Chales
King, Stepn
Lamkin, Thos
Lamkin, Wm
Lansdell, Jas
Lansdell, Wm
Larkin, Jas
Larkin, Jas
Larkin, Geo
Larkin, John
Larking, Geo
Latter, Thos
Lawrance, John
Lawrance, John
Lawrance, Thos
Lerry, Edwd
Lerry, Wm
Lewrey, John
Lewrey, John
Luck, Thos
Luck, Thos
Manckelord, John
Manckelord, Wm
Manckelord, First Name Unknown
Manwaring, Thos
Manwaring, Thos
Manwaring, Richd
Manwaring, Henry
Manwaring, Henry
Manwaring, Jas
Marriot, M S
Marten, Daniel
Maynard, Thos
Meades, John
Mercer, John
Mercer, Henry
Mercer, Henry
Mercer, Wm
Mercer, Thos
Moon, Wm
Moon, John
Moon, Jas
Nabb, Geog
Neal, Jasper
Newington, Jos
Nye, Jas
Parton, John
Pearson, Jas
Perrey, John
Perrey, Wm
Perrieman, John
Perriman, Edwd
Potter, Jas
Prisman, Hery
Pullings, First Name Unknown
Rabbett, Wm
Rabbitt, Wm
Reed, Thos
Robbard, Thos
Robbard, Thos
Russell, Richd
Saunders, Wm
Sawyer, Geog
Sawyers, Thos
Shaw, Jas
Smith, First Name Unknown
Standen, Iascca
Strawn, John
Strawn, Henry
Strawn, Edwd
Styles, Jos
Sutton, Thos
Tapsell, Geog
Thompsett, Albert
Tolhurst, Danl
Tomkin, Robt
Tomkin, Jas
Tompsett, John
Towner, Wm
Towner, Thos
Towner, First Name Unknown
Tyman, Saml
Usherwood, Jas
Vine, Thos
Vine, Thos
Vitler, David
Vitler, Henry
Vitler, John
Vitler, Rich
Vitler, Benj
Warter, Jas
Warterhouse, Thos
Warterhouse, Thos
Wedd, Jas
Weller, Wm
Weller, Wm
Weller, Thos
Weller, John
Whibley, Geo
Whickham, Thos
Wickham, John
Williams, Jos
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, First Name Unknown
Wimsett, Edwd