Parish/Town Information
Parish/Town: | Stockport |
County: | Cheshire |
Census Year: | 1831 |
Location Type | Township |
Location/Reference # of Original Document | Stockport, Cheshire, 1831 Census [household] Cheshire Record Office P10/18/19 |
Location/Reference # of Additional Copies or Transcripts: | |
Uninhabited Houses: | 3 |
Inhabited Houses: | 97 |
People: | 591 |
Families: | 0 |
Men: | 314 |
Women: | 277 |
Houses in Agriculture: | 0 |
Houses in Trade: | 0 |
Houses in Neither: | 0 |
Individuals in Agriculture: | 0 |
Individuals in Trade: | 0 |
Individuals in Neither: | 0 |
Houses Now Building: | 0 |
Condition Of Document: | Document is in good condition and is easy to read. |
Gaps In Content: | This census return only has the Handforth Township. |
Additional Statistics: | "149 Males Twenty Years old and upwards", "11 Occupiers of Land, employing Labourers", "8 Occupiers of Land not employing Labourers", "40 Labourers employed in Agriculture", "2 Males Employed in Manufacture or in making Manufacturing Machinery", "81 Males employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen", "2 Labourers employed by the Three preceding Classes, and in other Labour not Agricultural", "5 All other Males, Twenty years old (except Servats), including retired Tradesmen, superannuated Labourers, & Males diseased or disabled in Body or Mind", "4 Male Servants under 20", "10 female {Servants}". In Bos |
Front Page Information: | |
Additional Information: | Additional Houses are listed on the stats page (image 2457). |
Preprinted/Freeform | Preprinted |