Parish/Town Information

Parish/Town: Winwick with Hulme
County: Lancashire
Census Year: 1801
Location Type Township
Location/Reference # of Original Document Chehire Record Office CRO P158/7/8
Location/Reference # of Additional Copies or Transcripts: Chehire Record Office CRO P158/7/8 and CAMPOP Published in "North Cheshire Family Historian," vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 8-15 (Feb. 1978)
Uninhabited Houses: 2
Inhabited Houses: 96
People: 573
Families: 0
Men: 286
Women: 287
Houses in Agriculture: 0
Houses in Trade: 0
Houses in Neither: 0
Individuals in Agriculture: 118
Individuals in Trade: 132
Individuals in Neither: 323
Houses Now Building: 0
Condition Of Document: Document is is good condition and is fairly easy to read.
Gaps In Content: Document does not list information on baptisms, burials, or marriages like it is traditionally suppose to.
Additional Statistics: Further individual information about persons occupations "Employ'd in Manufaction of Cotton 119, Taylors 2, Shoemakers 3, Blacksmith 4, Carpenters 4." "Familys as Inmeats now living in Winwick: Revd Mr Chanpneys, Revd JJ Hornby ([both] with the Revd Mr Hornby), Mr Banks-With John Rawson, Alice Leather-With Mary Drinkwater, Wm Warbenton-With George Warburton, John Pierpoint With Peggy Jenkin, Jonathan Wright with Thomas Wright, Michl Cligg-With Thomas Newton."
Front Page Information: "An Account of the Inhabitance of Winwick with Hulme with their respective Ages, Trades, and ocupations; Stateing whother, Inmates, Housekeepers; and with whom such Inmates reside, Taken in the year 1801".
Additional Information:
Preprinted/Freeform Freeform

Households in Parish/Town

Head of Household (Last, First)
Bagurley, Richard (Head)
 Bagurley, Martha
 Bagurley, Thomas
 Bagurley, Richard
 Bagurley, John
Baker, William (Head)
 Baker, Mary
 Baker, Ann
 Baker, Betty
 Baker, William
 Baker, Ellen
 Baker, Alice
 Baker, Sarah
 Baker, Hannah
Banks, Henry (Head)
 Banks, Ann
Banks, Mary (Head)
Barrows, George (Head)
 Barrows, Martha
 Barrows, Richd
Barrows, William (Head)
 Barrows, Betty
 Barrows, Betty
 Barrows, Daniel
 Barrows, Mary
Bate, William (Head)
 Bate, Ann
 Bate, Sarah
 Bate, Ellen
 Bate, John
 Bate, Betty
 Bate, William
 Hatten, Betty
Battersby, Betty (Head)
 Battersby, Catherine
Birch, Betty (Head)
 Birch, Peggy
 Woods, John
Birch, George (Head)
 Birch, Mary
 Birch, Henry
 Birch, Ann
 Birch, James
Birch, Nancy (Head)
 Birch, Mary
 Birch, Alice
 Birch, Nanny
Birchall, Mary (Head)
Bradshaw, John (Head)
 Bradshaw, Agnes
 Bradshaw, Thomas
 Bradshaw, Betty
 Bradshaw, Mary
 Tunstall, George
Brown, Aaron (Head)
 Brown, Anney
 Brown, Pheby
Cadman, Thomas (Head)
 Cadman, William
 Cadman, Charlotte
 Cadman, Thomas
 Cadman, Susannah
 Cadman, Maria
 Cadman, Lucy
 Cadman, Margret
 Cadman, John
Cawley, William (Head)
 Cawley, Mary
 Wood, Jane
Champney, Hen Wm (Head)
 Champneys, Lucy
 Champneys, Lucy H
 Champneys, Henry Wm J
 Champneys, Frances S
 Hall, Betty
 Holding, George
 Mitchill, Elizabeth
 Robinson, Ann
Clare, Henry (Head)
 Ballersby, Joseph
 Clare, Ellen
 Norbey, John
 Norbey, Ellen
 Norbey, Alice
 Norby, Mary
Clark, Alexander (Head)
 Clark, Mary
Clegg, John (Head)
 Clegg, Ann
Clegg, George (Head)
 Clegg, Catharine
 Woods, Catharine
Cook, Betty (Head)
 Carter, Mary
 Knowls, Sarah
Cotton, John (Head)
 Cotton, Ellen
 Cotton, Peter
 Cotton, Ann
 Cotton, Mary
 Cotton, Elizabeth
 Cotton, Thomas
Cross, Ellen (Head)
 Cross, Ellen
 Cross, Margt
 Cross, Betty
 Drinkwater, Margt
Davies, James (Head)
 Davies, Esther
 Pimbley, Ellen
Dawson, Richard (Head)
 Dawson, Mary
 Dawson, Ellen
 Dawson, Betty
 Dawson, Ann
 Sutton, Betty
Denton, James (Head)
 Denton, Catherine
 Denton, Valentine
 Denton, Margt
 Denton, Martha
 Denton, Betty
 Pennington, Margt
 Unsworth, Ellen
Drinkwater, Mary (Head)
Eves, Ann (Head)
 Eves, James
 Eves, Thomas
 Eves, John
Farrer, James (Head)
 Farrer, Mary
 Farrer, Ann
 Farrer, John
 Farrer, James
Fitchett, John (Head)
 Fitchett, Margret
 Norbury, Jackson
Gaskell, John (Head)
 Gaskell, Gennet
 Gaskell, Mary
 Gaskell, Nancy
 Gaskell, John
Gorst, Robert (Head)
 Last Name Unknown, Peggy
 Gorst, Ann
 Gorst, Betty
 Gorst, Thomas
 Gorst, George
 Gorst, Maria
Gorst, Peter (Head)
 Gorst, Margret
 Gorst, Betty
 Gorst, Mary
 Gorst, Henry
 Gorst, John
 Kerfoot, John
Gregson, William (Head)
 Charnock, James
 Gregson, Jane
 Gregson, Ann
 Gregson, Mary
 Gregson, Betty
 Gregson, Alice
Hall, John (Head)
 Brooks, Pheby
 Hall, Susannah
 Hall, William
 Hall, Joseph
 Hall, John
Hall, William (Head)
 Hall, Margret
 Hall, Catherine
 Hall, Margret
 Hall, William
 Millns, James Kinder
Harsness, John (Head)
 Boardman, Peter
 Harsness, James
 Harsness, Mary
 Harsness, Sarah
 Harsness, John
 Harsness, Mary
 Harsness, Edward
 Harsness, Ann
 Harsness, Peter
 Harsness, Alice
Hatton, Joseph (Head)
 Hatton, Ellen
 Hatton, Mary
Higson, Aaron (Head)
 Higson, Margret
 Higson, Peter
 Higson, Jane
 Higson, Alice
 Higson, Ann
Hill, Issabella (Head)
 Hill, Richd
 Hill, John
 Hill, Isaac
 Hill, Saml
 Hill, Margret
Hilton, John (Head)
 Hilton, Fanney
 Hilton, Betty
 Hilton, James
 Pollit, Betty
Hornby, Geoffery (Head)
 Baker, Sally
 Battersby, Joseph
 Bocroft, Jane
 Coward, Jane
 Farnworth, Mary
 Gerrard, Peter
 Gerrard, William
 Hill, Samuel
 Hilton, Daniel
 Hornby, Lucy
 Hornby, Geoffrey
 Hornby, Edward T S
 Hornby, Georgiana
 Hornby, Phipps
 Hornby, Frances S
 Hornby, Louisa
 Hornby, George
 Hornby, Charles
 Hornby, Henrietta
 Jones, Mary
 Owen, Hannah
 Pierpoint, Margret
 Preston, Charlotte
 Redmayne, Christopher
 Roberts, Peter
 Warburton, Jane
Hornby, Jas Jno (Head)
 Hornby, Hester
 Parslow, Joseph
 Patterson, Sarah
 Sorelson, Samuel
Houlding, Catharine (Head)
 Houlding, Richard
 Houlding, Catharine
Howard, James (Head)
 Howard, Hannah
 Howard, Genny
Jackson, John (Head)
 Dawson, James
 Gerrard, Belly
 Jackson, Peggy
 Jackson, Alice
 Johnson, Alexander
 Pierpoint, Willm
Jackson, Nathan (Head)
 Jackson, Ann
 Jackson, Mary
 Jackson, William
 Jackson, Betty
 Piercy, Mary
Jenkin, Margret (Head)
Knowls, Thomas (Head)
 Knowls, Ellen
 Knowls, Ann
 Knowls, John
 Mercer, Margret
Knowls, William (Head)
 Knowls, Ellen
 Knowls, Isaac
 Knowls, John
Knowls, John (Head)
 Knowls, Elizabeth
 Knowls, Anney
 Knowls, John
 Knowls, Joseph
Lawson, John (Head)
 Barrow, Ellen
 Kinsey, Betty
 Lawson, Hannah
 Lawson, Thomas
 Lawson, Sarah
 Lawson, Henry
 Lawson, James
 Lawson, Hannah
 Lawson, Alice
Leather, Alice (Head)
 Leather, Ann
Lomax, Ellen (Head)
Lowe, Catharine (Head)
 Clayton, Mary
 Lowe, Betty
 Whittle, Luke
Lowton, James (Head)
 Lowton, Martha
 Lowton, Ellen
 Lowton, Betty
 Lowton, John
 Lowton, James
Lythgoe, William (Head)
 Knowls, Joseph
 Lythgoe, Jane
 Unsworth, Mary
Lythgoe, Jno (Head)
 Birkenhead, George
 Lythgoe, Hannah
 Lythgoe, Ann
 Lythgoe, George
 Lythgoe, John
 Lythgoe, William
Marsh, Jane (Head)
Millns, Wm (Head)
 Mees, Mary
 Millns, Hannah
 Millns, Esther
 Millns, Mary
 Millns, William
Millns, William (Head)
 Millns, Esther
Mills, Mary (Head)
 Mills, William
 Mills, Martha
 Mills, Joseph
Mills, Martha (Head)
 Waterworth, Betty
Newton, Thomas (Head)
 Clegg, Michael
 Clegg, Ann
 Clegg, John
 Clegg, Mary
 Clegg, Ellen
 Clegg, Thomas
 Clegg, George
 Clegg, William
 Clegg, Joseph
Newton, William (Head)
 Moses, Ann
 Newton, Betty
 Newton, Margret
 Newton, James
 Newton, William
 Newton, Peter
Pennington, John (Head)
 Pennington, Nancey
 Pennington, Thomas
 Pennington, James
Pierpoint, John (Head)
 Pierpoint, Betty
 Pierpoint, Mary
 Pierpoint, Henry
 Pierpoint, Thomas
 Pierpoint, Peter
Pierpoint, Henry (Head)
Platt, William (Head)
 Platt, Ann
 Platt, John
Pollet, John (Head)
 Pollet, Betty
 Pollet, Sarah
 Pollet, Amelia
 Pollet, Betty
Pollit, William (Head)
 Pollit, Ann
 Pollit, Sarah
 Pollit, Joseph
 Pollit, Nanny
 Unsworth, James
Prince, First Name Unknown (Head)
 Clayton, Margret
 Leather, James
 Page, Eleanor
 Prince, Penelope
 Sands, Ann
 Sherwood, Martha
 Ward, Jane
Ridyard, Michael (Head)
 Hewit, Catharine
 Hewit, Thomas
 Hewit, Mary
Roberts, Jane (Head)
 Roberts, John
Roberts, William (Head)
 Dutton, Sarah
 Dutton, Mary
 Rawlinson, George
 Roberts, Ann
 Roberts, Ann
 Roberts, Betty
Robinson, Henry (Head)
 Robinson, Martha
Rowland, William (Head)
 Cook, Thomas
 Rowland, Catharine
 Rowland, Thomas
 Rowland, John
 Rowland, James
 Rowland, Betty
 Rowland, William
Savage, Mary (Head)
 Savage, Joseph
Smith, John (Head)
 Hesketh, Robert
 Mercer, Betty
 Smith, Jane
 Smith, Sarah
 Smith, Thomas
 Smith, John
 Smith, William
 Smith, James
 Smith, Samuel
 Smith, Anne
 Smith, Mary
Summer, William (Head)
 Last Name Unknown, First Name Unknown
 Faulkner, Sarah
 Jackson, Mary
 Price, Buckley
 Shepherd, Mary
 Summer, Mary
 Summer, George
 Summer, James
 Unsworth, Thomas
Swann, Row'd (Head)
 Heaton, Ellen
Tatlock, Robert (Head)
 Tatlock, Catherine
 Tatlock, Thomas
 Tatlock, Valentine
 Tatlock, Mary
Tatlock, Mary (Head)
Tatlock, William (Head)
 Denton, Richard
 Fishwick, Richard
 Tatlock, Mary
 Tatlock, Betty
 Tatlock, Mary
 Tatlock, Margret
 Tatlock, Ellen
 Tatlock, Ann
 Tatlock, William
 Tatlock, John
Unsworth, Ralph (Head)
 Unsworth, Ann
 Unsworth, William
 Unsworth, Robert
 Unsworth, Peter
 Unsworth, Ann
 Unsworth, Jane
Unsworth, Ralph (Head)
 Birston, Marshall
 Gorst, Margret
 Unsworth, Nancey
 Unsworth, Ralph
 Unsworth, Peter
 Unsworth, John
 Unsworth, Robt
Urmson, Fanny (Head)
 Urmson, John
 Urmson, Richard
 Urmson, Henry
 Urmson, Thomas
Walker, Thomas (Head)
 Rawlinson, Sarah
 Walker, Elizabeth
 Walker, Lydia
 Walker, Edward
 Walker, Henry
 Walker, George
 Walker, Ann
 Walker, Betty
Warburton, George (Head)
 Warburton, Betty
 Warburton, John
 Warburton, Jane
Warburton, William (Head)
 Warburton, Mary
Webster, George (Head)
 Webster, Ann
 Webster, John
Wilcock, Thomas (Head)
 Harrison, Alice
 Wilcock, Sarah
 Wilcock, Mary
 Wilcock, John
Worthington, Jno (Head)
 Allen, William
 Allen, Mathew
 Hosketh, William
 Worthington, Betty
 Worthington, Margt
Wright, Betty (Head)
 Wright, Nancy
Wright, Ellen (Head)
 Gorst, Peter
 Hunt, Betty
 Wright, Robert
Wright, Thomas (Head)
 Wright, Betty
 Wright, Betty
 Wright, Thomas
 Wright, Jonathan
 Wright, David
 Wright, Rebacca
 Wright, Frances
Youd, Jane (Head)
 Youd, John

Individuals in Parish/Town

Individual Name (Last, First)
Last Name Unknown, Peggy
Last Name Unknown, First Name Unknown
Allen, William
Allen, Mathew
Bagurley, Richard
Bagurley, Martha
Bagurley, Thomas
Bagurley, Richard
Bagurley, John
Baker, William
Baker, Mary
Baker, Ann
Baker, Betty
Baker, William
Baker, Ellen
Baker, Alice
Baker, Sarah
Baker, Hannah
Baker, Sally
Ballersby, Joseph
Banks, Henry
Banks, Ann
Banks, Mary
Barrow, Ellen
Barrows, George
Barrows, Martha
Barrows, Richd
Barrows, William
Barrows, Betty
Barrows, Betty
Barrows, Daniel
Barrows, Mary
Bate, William
Bate, Ann
Bate, Sarah
Bate, Ellen
Bate, John
Bate, Betty
Bate, William
Battersby, Joseph
Battersby, Betty
Battersby, Catherine
Birch, Betty
Birch, Peggy
Birch, George
Birch, Mary
Birch, Henry
Birch, Ann
Birch, James
Birch, Nancy
Birch, Mary
Birch, Alice
Birch, Nanny
Birchall, Mary
Birkenhead, George
Birston, Marshall
Boardman, Peter
Bocroft, Jane
Bradshaw, John
Bradshaw, Agnes
Bradshaw, Thomas
Bradshaw, Betty
Bradshaw, Mary
Brooks, Pheby
Brown, Aaron
Brown, Anney
Brown, Pheby
Cadman, Thomas
Cadman, William
Cadman, Charlotte
Cadman, Thomas
Cadman, Susannah
Cadman, Maria
Cadman, Lucy
Cadman, Margret
Cadman, John
Carter, Mary
Cawley, William
Cawley, Mary
Champney, Hen Wm
Champneys, Lucy
Champneys, Lucy H
Champneys, Henry Wm J
Champneys, Frances S
Charnock, James
Clare, Henry
Clare, Ellen
Clark, Alexander
Clark, Mary
Clayton, Mary
Clayton, Margret
Clegg, Michael
Clegg, Ann
Clegg, John
Clegg, Mary
Clegg, Ellen
Clegg, Thomas
Clegg, George
Clegg, William
Clegg, Joseph
Clegg, John
Clegg, Ann
Clegg, George
Clegg, Catharine
Cook, Thomas
Cook, Betty
Cotton, John
Cotton, Ellen
Cotton, Peter
Cotton, Ann
Cotton, Mary
Cotton, Elizabeth
Cotton, Thomas
Coward, Jane
Cross, Ellen
Cross, Ellen
Cross, Margt
Cross, Betty
Davies, James
Davies, Esther
Dawson, James
Dawson, Richard
Dawson, Mary
Dawson, Ellen
Dawson, Betty
Dawson, Ann
Denton, Richard
Denton, James
Denton, Catherine
Denton, Valentine
Denton, Margt
Denton, Martha
Denton, Betty
Drinkwater, Mary
Drinkwater, Margt
Dutton, Sarah
Dutton, Mary
Eves, Ann
Eves, James
Eves, Thomas
Eves, John
Farnworth, Mary
Farrer, James
Farrer, Mary
Farrer, Ann
Farrer, John
Farrer, James
Faulkner, Sarah
Fishwick, Richard
Fitchett, John
Fitchett, Margret
Gaskell, John
Gaskell, Gennet
Gaskell, Mary
Gaskell, Nancy
Gaskell, John
Gerrard, Belly
Gerrard, Peter
Gerrard, William
Gorst, Peter
Gorst, Robert
Gorst, Ann
Gorst, Betty
Gorst, Thomas
Gorst, George
Gorst, Maria
Gorst, Peter
Gorst, Margret
Gorst, Betty
Gorst, Mary
Gorst, Henry
Gorst, John
Gorst, Margret
Gregson, William
Gregson, Jane
Gregson, Ann
Gregson, Mary
Gregson, Betty
Gregson, Alice
Hall, John
Hall, Susannah
Hall, William
Hall, Joseph
Hall, John
Hall, William
Hall, Margret
Hall, Catherine
Hall, Margret
Hall, William
Hall, Betty
Harrison, Alice
Harsness, James
Harsness, John
Harsness, Mary
Harsness, Sarah
Harsness, John
Harsness, Mary
Harsness, Edward
Harsness, Ann
Harsness, Peter
Harsness, Alice
Hatten, Betty
Hatton, Joseph
Hatton, Ellen
Hatton, Mary
Heaton, Ellen
Hesketh, Robert
Hewit, Catharine
Hewit, Thomas
Hewit, Mary
Higson, Aaron
Higson, Margret
Higson, Peter
Higson, Jane
Higson, Alice
Higson, Ann
Hill, Issabella
Hill, Richd
Hill, John
Hill, Isaac
Hill, Saml
Hill, Margret
Hill, Samuel
Hilton, John
Hilton, Fanney
Hilton, Betty
Hilton, James
Hilton, Daniel
Holding, George
Hornby, Geoffery
Hornby, Lucy
Hornby, Geoffrey
Hornby, Edward T S
Hornby, Georgiana
Hornby, Phipps
Hornby, Frances S
Hornby, Louisa
Hornby, George
Hornby, Charles
Hornby, Henrietta
Hornby, Jas Jno
Hornby, Hester
Hosketh, William
Houlding, Catharine
Houlding, Richard
Houlding, Catharine
Howard, James
Howard, Hannah
Howard, Genny
Hunt, Betty
Jackson, John
Jackson, Peggy
Jackson, Alice
Jackson, Mary
Jackson, Nathan
Jackson, Ann
Jackson, Mary
Jackson, William
Jackson, Betty
Jenkin, Margret
Johnson, Alexander
Jones, Mary
Kerfoot, John
Kinsey, Betty
Knowls, Thomas
Knowls, Ellen
Knowls, Ann
Knowls, John
Knowls, Joseph
Knowls, William
Knowls, Ellen
Knowls, Isaac
Knowls, John
Knowls, Sarah
Knowls, John
Knowls, Elizabeth
Knowls, Anney
Knowls, John
Knowls, Joseph
Lawson, John
Lawson, Hannah
Lawson, Thomas
Lawson, Sarah
Lawson, Henry
Lawson, James
Lawson, Hannah
Lawson, Alice
Leather, Alice
Leather, Ann
Leather, James
Lomax, Ellen
Lowe, Catharine
Lowe, Betty
Lowton, James
Lowton, Martha
Lowton, Ellen
Lowton, Betty
Lowton, John
Lowton, James
Lythgoe, William
Lythgoe, Jane
Lythgoe, Jno
Lythgoe, Hannah
Lythgoe, Ann
Lythgoe, George
Lythgoe, John
Lythgoe, William
Marsh, Jane
Mees, Mary
Mercer, Betty
Mercer, Margret
Millns, Wm
Millns, Hannah
Millns, Esther
Millns, Mary
Millns, William
Millns, William
Millns, Esther
Millns, James Kinder
Mills, Mary
Mills, William
Mills, Martha
Mills, Joseph
Mills, Martha
Mitchill, Elizabeth
Moses, Ann
Newton, Thomas
Newton, William
Newton, Betty
Newton, Margret
Newton, James
Newton, William
Newton, Peter
Norbey, John
Norbey, Ellen
Norbey, Alice
Norbury, Jackson
Norby, Mary
Owen, Hannah
Page, Eleanor
Parslow, Joseph
Patterson, Sarah
Pennington, John
Pennington, Nancey
Pennington, Thomas
Pennington, James
Pennington, Margt
Piercy, Mary
Pierpoint, Willm
Pierpoint, John
Pierpoint, Betty
Pierpoint, Mary
Pierpoint, Henry
Pierpoint, Thomas
Pierpoint, Peter
Pierpoint, Henry
Pierpoint, Margret
Pimbley, Ellen
Platt, William
Platt, Ann
Platt, John
Pollet, John
Pollet, Betty
Pollet, Sarah
Pollet, Amelia
Pollet, Betty
Pollit, Betty
Pollit, William
Pollit, Ann
Pollit, Sarah
Pollit, Joseph
Pollit, Nanny
Preston, Charlotte
Price, Buckley
Prince, First Name Unknown
Prince, Penelope
Rawlinson, Sarah
Rawlinson, George
Redmayne, Christopher
Ridyard, Michael
Roberts, Jane
Roberts, John
Roberts, William
Roberts, Ann
Roberts, Ann
Roberts, Betty
Roberts, Peter
Robinson, Henry
Robinson, Martha
Robinson, Ann
Rowland, William
Rowland, Catharine
Rowland, Thomas
Rowland, John
Rowland, James
Rowland, Betty
Rowland, William
Sands, Ann
Savage, Mary
Savage, Joseph
Shepherd, Mary
Sherwood, Martha
Smith, John
Smith, Jane
Smith, Sarah
Smith, Thomas
Smith, John
Smith, William
Smith, James
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Anne
Smith, Mary
Sorelson, Samuel
Summer, William
Summer, Mary
Summer, George
Summer, James
Sutton, Betty
Swann, Row'd
Tatlock, Robert
Tatlock, Catherine
Tatlock, Thomas
Tatlock, Valentine
Tatlock, Mary
Tatlock, Mary
Tatlock, William
Tatlock, Mary
Tatlock, Betty
Tatlock, Mary
Tatlock, Margret
Tatlock, Ellen
Tatlock, Ann
Tatlock, William
Tatlock, John
Tunstall, George
Unsworth, Thomas
Unsworth, Mary
Unsworth, Ralph
Unsworth, Ann
Unsworth, William
Unsworth, Robert
Unsworth, Peter
Unsworth, Ann
Unsworth, Jane
Unsworth, Ellen
Unsworth, James
Unsworth, Ralph
Unsworth, Nancey
Unsworth, Ralph
Unsworth, Peter
Unsworth, John
Unsworth, Robt
Urmson, Fanny
Urmson, John
Urmson, Richard
Urmson, Henry
Urmson, Thomas
Walker, Thomas
Walker, Elizabeth
Walker, Lydia
Walker, Edward
Walker, Henry
Walker, George
Walker, Ann
Walker, Betty
Warburton, George
Warburton, Betty
Warburton, John
Warburton, Jane
Warburton, William
Warburton, Mary
Warburton, Jane
Ward, Jane
Waterworth, Betty
Webster, George
Webster, Ann
Webster, John
Whittle, Luke
Wilcock, Thomas
Wilcock, Sarah
Wilcock, Mary
Wilcock, John
Wood, Jane
Woods, Catharine
Woods, John
Worthington, Jno
Worthington, Betty
Worthington, Margt
Wright, Betty
Wright, Nancy
Wright, Ellen
Wright, Robert
Wright, Thomas
Wright, Betty
Wright, Betty
Wright, Thomas
Wright, Jonathan
Wright, David
Wright, Rebacca
Wright, Frances
Youd, Jane
Youd, John