Parish/Town Information

Parish/Town: St Nicholas Acons
City: London
Census Year: 1811
Location Type
Location/Reference # of Original Document St Nicholas Acons, London, 1811 Census [household returns], London Metropolitan Archives, P69/NIC1/C/006/MS04306
Location/Reference # of Additional Copies or Transcripts: FHL 1911495, item 12
Uninhabited Houses: 0
Inhabited Houses: 0
People: 264
Families: 0
Men: 136
Women: 128
Houses in Agriculture: 0
Houses in Trade: 0
Houses in Neither: 0
Individuals in Agriculture: 0
Individuals in Trade: 70
Individuals in Neither: 0
Houses Now Building: 0
Condition Of Document:
Gaps In Content: There are a few things that were supposed to be asked that were not asked: the number of inhabited houses, uninhabited houses, houses now building, and households in agriculture, trade, or neither. In replacement of households in occupations, it asks for individuals in trade.
Additional Statistics: At the end it says there are 66 individuals not in trade. The census taker did this math: 66+70=136 (matches with the number of males). This means the individuals in trade are all men. Addresses are included.
Front Page Information:
Additional Information: Church Wardens of St Edmund the King: William Bowman and Conway Joyce. Church Wardens of St Nicholas Acons: William Duff and John Allen.
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