Parish/Town Information

Parish/Town: Offerton
County: Derbyshire
Census Year: 1811
Location Type
Location/Reference # of Original Document Offerton, Derbyshire, 1811 Census [household returns], Derbyshire Record Office, D1038A/PO 223, 224
Location/Reference # of Additional Copies or Transcripts: FHL DGS 4423216
Uninhabited Houses: 0
Inhabited Houses: 5
People: 38
Families: 0
Men: 18
Women: 20
Houses in Agriculture: 6
Houses in Trade: 0
Houses in Neither: 0
Individuals in Agriculture: 0
Individuals in Trade: 0
Individuals in Neither: 0
Houses Now Building: 0
Condition Of Document:
Gaps In Content: It doesn't include uninhabited houses or houses building.
Additional Statistics: Although there are no columns for inhabited houses, the number of families, or the number of households in the different occupations, these numbers are written on the side of the page: "5 Dwelling houses Inhabited by 6 Families all employ'd in Agriculture."
Front Page Information: Population of Offorton taken May 28th 1811 by Jno Bradwall Overseer.
Additional Information:
Preprinted/Freeform Freeform

Individuals in Parish/Town

Individual Name (Last, First)
Bradwall, Thos
Bradwall, Jno
Kirk, Joseph
Oferenshaw, Edward
Salisbury, Thos
Wolstenholm, J