Parish/Town Information

Parish/Town: Hope
County: Derbyshire
Census Year: 1811
Location Type
Location/Reference # of Original Document Hope, Derbyshire, 1811 Census, household returns, Derbyshire Record Office, D1038A/PO 223, 224
Location/Reference # of Additional Copies or Transcripts: FHL DGS 4423216
Uninhabited Houses: 3
Inhabited Houses: 89
People: 440
Families: 0
Men: 222
Women: 218
Houses in Agriculture: 0
Houses in Trade: 0
Houses in Neither: 0
Individuals in Agriculture: 0
Individuals in Trade: 0
Individuals in Neither: 0
Houses Now Building: 0
Condition Of Document:
Gaps In Content: The houses now building is written at the bottom of the last page.
Additional Statistics:
Front Page Information:
Additional Information: At the bottom of the last page reads "Taken 27th of May 1811 by N. Woodroofe Constable & B Waterhouse, Overseer of the Poor of Hope."
Preprinted/Freeform Freeform

Households in Parish/Town

Head of Household (Last, First)
Ashton, George (Head)
Ashton, Ellis (Head)
Ashton, Robert (Head)
Asthon, Joseph (Head)
Bagshaw, Isaac (Head)
Barker, Thomas (Head)
Barker, John (Head)
Barker, Fras (Head)
Bentley, George (Head)
Bocking, Betty (Head)
Bolsover, John (Head)
Bolsover, Geo (Head)
Bradwall, John (Head)
Bray, Champion (Head)
Broadbent, Christr (Head)
Brown, James (Head)
Burdeken, Joseph (Head)
 Sidebotham, Saml
Burdekin, Thomas (Head)
Burgon, Wm (Head)
Burgon, Wm (Head)
Burgon, Wm (Head)
Burgon, Richard (Head)
Chapman, William (Head)
Cheathmen, Abraham (Head)
Cheetham, Jno (Head)
Clayton, Wm (Head)
 Clayton, Betty
Cottrill, John (Head)
Dakin, Thomas (Head)
Dakir, John (Head)
Darwent, Jacob (Head)
Darwent, Thos (Head)
Downs, Ellen (Head)
Eyre, Joseph (Head)
Flinders, Geoe (Head)
Furness, David (Head)
Gould, Thomas (Head)
Gould, Richd (Head)
Grant, George (Head)
Greaves, Christr (Head)
Hadfield, Joseph (Head)
Hall, John (Head)
Hall, Micah (Head)
Hall, Wm (Head)
Hall, Martha (Head)
Hall, Lydia (Head)
Hill, Joseph (Head)
Hobson, Joseph (Head)
Hobson, Richd (Head)
 Hobson, Jno
Holme, Micah (Head)
Howe, Wm (Head)
Ibbotson, Wm (Head)
Ibbotson, First Name Unknown (Head)
Lewis, Wm (Head)
Littlewood, George (Head)
Longain, Benj (Head)
Longden, Thomas (Head)
Maguire, Hugh (Head)
Marsden, Hanh (Head)
Marshall, Wm (Head)
 Longain, Betty
Marshall, Thomas (Head)
Marshall, William (Head)
Middleton, Thomas (Head)
Middleton, Elizabeth (Head)
Middleton, John (Head)
Middleton, Saml (Head)
Middleton, Mary (Head)
Middleton, Robert (Head)
Middleton, George (Head)
Pearson, Benj (Head)
Robinson, James (Head)
Rose, Joce (Head)
Rose, Jonathan (Head)
Rose, Joseph (Head)
Rowland, George (Head)
Schofield, Joseph (Head)
Shirt, Benj (Head)
Siddall, Thos (Head)
Sidebotham, Isaac (Head)
Taylor, Henry (Head)
Ward, Betty (Head)
Waterhouse, Benj (Head)
Wilcockson, Mary (Head)
Wildgoose, Thos (Head)
Wilson, Robert (Head)
Witson, Joseph (Head)
Woodhouse, Wm (Head)
Woodroofe, Hanh (Head)
Woodroofe, Nathn (Head)
Wright, Wm (Head)