Parish/Town Information

Parish/Town: Haydock, Ashton in Makerfield
County: Lancashire
Census Year: 1816
Location Type Township
Location/Reference # of Original Document Haydock, Ashton in Makerfield, Lancashire, 1816 Census [household return], Cheshire Record Office, MSS 750
Location/Reference # of Additional Copies or Transcripts: FHL 1701023, Item 2
Uninhabited Houses: 0
Inhabited Houses: 0
People: 0
Families: 0
Men: 0
Women: 0
Houses in Agriculture: 0
Houses in Trade: 0
Houses in Neither: 0
Individuals in Agriculture: 0
Individuals in Trade: 0
Individuals in Neither: 0
Houses Now Building: 0
Condition Of Document: The writing is clear overall and the pages are maintained well.
Gaps In Content:
Additional Statistics: The last image reads "State of the Poor in Haydock" and then gives these additional statistics. Families who have nothing to live upon: 1. Who have less per head than one shilling a week to live upon: 1. Less than two shillings: 10. Less than three shillings: 23. Less than four shillings: 14. Number of Persons unemployed & able to work: 20. Average of the whole: 284 persons have each two shillings & seven pence a week to live upon. The number of males and females are not listed in this census just head of household and family member ages. It includes the name of the employer and how much money the household made in a week.
Front Page Information: A CENSUS of the POOR in Haydock taken by Edmd Sibson, Minister, Thos Gutridge, Overseer, Decr 1816
Additional Information: 1. Where according to the average earnings of a family, each Person shall have an Income of above four Shillings a Month, no Account shall be taken of that Family. 2. Wherever different Families live in the same House, & keep only one common Purse, they shall be considered as one Family: when they keep separate Purses, they shall be considered as separate Families. 3. Particular Pains shall be taken to ascertain accurately the weekly Income of each Family: & when the Income has been fluctuating it shall be taken upon the average of the last Quarter of a year.
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